
A radio tower casts a shadow of 8.2 ft long and a 36-inches and a fourth-grader walking home cast a shadow of 1.5 inches. How tall is the radio tower?

Accepted Solution

Answer: 196.8Step-by-step explanation:Start off by reading the problem.A radio tower casts a shadow of 8.2 ft long and a 36-inches and a fourth-grader walking home cast a shadow of 1.5 inches. How tall is the radio tower?Then take what you know from the problem and put it in a fraction looking thing:like this: 1.5 8.2 __ = __ 36 xSo after you've done this you will want to:Multiply 36 x 8.2 = 295.2 take 295.2 then Divide by 1.5=196.8